Rail Safety

Pts ac practical


Following completion of the e-Learning the candidate will attend this practical day. At the end of the training the delegate will be able to:

Demonstrate their ability to interpret correctly the Rule Book GE/RT 8000 Series or Guide to Personal Track Safety or PTS Key Point Card NR9922 and relevant local instructions when required to go on or near the line. Demonstrate their understanding and ability to follow a Safe System of Work.

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Course Information

Course Length:1 Day

Sessions covered
1.Introduction and Verification Exercise
2.Personal Responsibility
3.Emergency Situations
4.Communicating Clearly and Emergency Phone Calls
5.COSS/SWL Briefing
6.Track Visit and Practical Assessment
7.Knowledge Assessment
8.Completion of Post Course Training Objectives

Once successfully completed, the candidate is eligible for a Sentinel Card endorsed with PTS AC
